Saturday, 25 October 2008


UFO Society Of Ireland
Kiltycreighton Boyle Co. Roscommon

"Freeze frame" picture of UFO taken from video of UFO
seen on 14th December, 1997 at 6:00pm. over Lough Key in
Lough Key Forest Park, Boyle, County Roscommon, Ireland.

The UFO SOCIETY OF IRELAND was formed for the purpose of bringing together like-minded people with an interest in the subject of UFOs, whether it be sightings, encounters, or just merely curiosity. Many people now think .. "How can we be the only intelligent life form in the whole Universe?" We know that ..THEY ARE OUT THERE! and WE ARE NOT ALONE!

We now have members throughout Ireland as well as in Spain, Netherlands, Costa Rica and the United States of America. We are kept together by means of a monthly Newsletter.

Why Join the Society?
All members receive a monthly Newsletter, which publishes unusual articles of UFO interest that you won’t find anywhere else!! Such as ….Newsletter No. 69 (December 2004) which gave instructions on how to contact Star Ship Capricorn by means of the internet [here]… or…Newsletter No. 79 (December 2005) which printed a previously unpublished report by Admiral Byrd, of the bizarre encounter he had with the Intergalactic Forces whilst flying over the North Pole on 19th February 1947 [here]… or… Newsletter No.85 (July 2006) which reproduced pictures of craft depicted on the walls of a 3,000 year-old temple in Egypt which show an uncanny resemblance to modern-day aircraft [here]….or.. Newsletter No.100!!! (November 2007) which reproduced pictures of gold trinkets found in an area covering Central America and the coastal area of South America – they are over 1,000 years old and look like replicas of modern day aircraft – do they represent flying objects seen in the skies long ago?? [here] All very interesting stuff!!
The Newsletter also publishes details of predictions as to when and where UFOs are most likely to be seen.
We also publish reports of sightings, mainly in Ireland, of which there are very many, and also some of the more interesting ones from other countries.

For details on how to join please click on Membership Form...»

Crop Circles
We have begun collecting info on crop circles in Ireland and would appreciate any communication on the subject.

We organise Skywatches from time to time. If anyone is interested in organising a skywatch in their own area, please let us know.

For information on how to join please contact:
Betty Meyler, President UFO SOCIETY IRELAND,
Kiltycreighton, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
Tel: +353(0)7196 62844 or +353(0)86 8341218