Saturday, 25 October 2008


Operative Plasterers Trade Union
72 Shantalla rd D 9 Co. Dublin

Welcome to the Plasterers Union
OPATSI the only union in the 26 counties who exclusively negotiate for plasterers in the Construction Industry – Office of Public Works – Local Authorities – Dept of Defence – Health Boards and the Film Industry.

What We Want to Achieve and have Achieved
To secure wages and conditions during their working life which will encourage plasterers and apprentices to stay in the industry with a secure pension and an opportunity to voluntarily retire at the age of 60 yrs.

We are negotiating on an ongoing basis with the Construction Industry Federation on wages and conditions and have achieved retirement at 60 yrs for workers who are members of the Construction Industry Pension Scheme.

Reasons to Join
While the Labour Court machinery is open to all workers to utilise it can be intimidating for some workers to use their services. Being a member of OPATSI ensures first class professional representation in the Court.

As a member of OPATSI we will contact you on a 3 month basis keeping you updated with any changes which may occur in the sector you are employed in.
We feel it is vitally important to keep in contact with our members on an ongoing basis.